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Loyalty Program

A loyalty program can turn your moviegoers into an attached returning audience with personalized, powerful marketing campaigns. Get new loyal customers and reward your patrons.

Loyalty & Discount benefits
Loyalty & Discount benefits
There are many ways to increase customer satisfaction with a loyalty scheme. The approach will depend on the effect we want to achieve and to which group of customers it is addressed. POSitive Cinema gives you tools to create any kind of loyalty program you would imagine. You don’t have to integrate with 3rd Party systems giving up some important information you could use at the same time.

Loyalty program features

Loyalty points rules (multipliers, blackout dates, collecting for e.g. items, date & time)

Restrictions (expiration dates, transaction value, number of transactions per day, week, month or year)

Multiple discount options (percent, value, specific item, group of items, a combination of item and group discount and also validity hours)

Apply discount to any product available

Assigning vouchers to a membership account

Full loyalty history on POS, WEB or mobile

Easy registration of a new member

Loyalty program examples

Classic loyalty

You can configure your tiers however you want, promote your cinema brand and gather a loyal group of customers. Returning patrons will spend more due to wisely build offers.

Membership levels with different benefits and rules

Assigning discount and price level to tier/card

Using points as a currency or to get a reward

loyalty cards

Paid membership

For those who expect special treatment and are willing to pay for it.
Gives access to exclusive targeted benefits. Besides bringing satisfaction to the patrons, it would also bring additional income.

Early access to the schedule

Exclusive screenings and cinema special events

Free ticket and birthday voucher

Yearly / monthly fee with auto-renewal


give freedom to your patrons while giving your cinemas constant and predictable source of income

Unlimited (but also with limitations i.e. one screening per day) access to all the movies

% discount on F&B items, a specific group of items or even particular ones

Special screenings only for cardholders

Loyalty Program

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